Thursday, February 7, 2008

Tet pictures.

I have posted my Tet pictures HERE. Please go there and view them.

This photo is comprise of 3 separate photos. The "Photo Merge" option in CS3 does it for you automatically. As you can see, there is no way that I could have taken this photo without some kind of wide angle len. So instead of trying to squeeze everyone into one photo like we use to do, you can take multiple shots and then just merge them in Photoshop at the click of a button. Very simple and very convienence.

This is not the only feature available. For example, if you take a group picture and the little ones (Vinh, Quynh, etc.) do not want to stay still, that's okay. In the past, if everyone looks good, but Vinh is not smiling, chi Trinh is turning to talk to Ta^m, co' nguo*i` thi` quay di, co' nguo*i` thi` nha('m ma('t, etc. It is very difficult to take a picture where everyone is in the perfect pose.

What I like about the new Photoshop feature is you can compose the picture. You just take multiple pictures and then compose them together later. Vi' du. .........hi`nh na`y thi` anh Tai` has his eyes close, then you replace him with the one that his eyes is not close. Hi`nh na`y thi` Ta^m no' quay di. vv.... With this option, you can pick and choose: I want Ta^m from this picture, I want anh Tai` from this picture, etc. You don't have to wait for EVERYONE to be in the perfect pose to get a good picture. This is an example where I combine multiple "bad" picture into 1 good picture.

Other option is this. Anh Tuan has to set up everything, then push the timer button, then he has to quickly run back into the group. Now he doesn't have to do this anymore. For example, let say he stands on the right side of the group and I stand on the left side, he can take a picture of everyone, then he goes in and stand among the people on the right side, then I go out and take the picture of him with all the people standing on the right side (the people on the left side and relax). Then I will bring this into Photoshop, use the left side picture with me in it, and use the right side picture with anh Tuan in it.

Vi' du. Em va` Uyen di cho*i va` muo^'n chu.p hi`nh ca? 2 nguo*i` truo*'c 1 cai' gi` do', bi`nh thuo*`ng thi` phai? nho*` ai chu.p du`m. Ba^y gio*` thi` ko^ ca^`n nua~. Em chu.p cho Uyen, ro^`i Uyen ra chu.p cho em. Khi bo? vao` thi` no' tu*. do^.ng ghe'p ca? 2 nguo*i` vao` 1 hi`nh. This is an example that I did at the Church of Magdalene.

This is not a great example because we were not standing at the same location, but you get the idea.

Here's another example

You don't have to be a Photoshop expert to do this. This can be done with just a click of the button.

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